Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Week #2 Post: "Turning on the Lights" (required)

I loved this article. I really believe that teachers should use technology in their classroom in order to further explain concepts to students. However, even if teachers do not have technological resources readily available to them, they can still be pro-technology and approach it with a positive attitude. Like many of the good suggestions in this article, teachers can encourage children to be connected to the world (and even their fellow students) outside of class. They could list sites that students could look up in the evenings with interesting or helpful subject information.
Technology does not have to be a bad thing, although it is often painted in a bad light within schools. Even though past generations did not have the ability to use it, current education can still be furthered through it. I believe that if Galileo had the opportunity to use a computer, he would have taken that opportunity in an instant and used it to the best of his ability to further scientific and planetary discovery. As this article pointed out, children feel that they have to "power off" when they step into a classroom. However, what if the classroom was a place where they could find even more joy in learning by combing their era of technology with their curious minds? Educational enlightenment could then continue to occur within the classroom and students would be even better equipped to hold future jobs throughout their adult life. I hope to turn on the lights for my students.

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